One, two, three - we all fall down!
Did you guess?
No it's not a trick question.
Yes they are both divers, but what's the answer?
That's right, one dives for the betterment of their sport!
I don't want to be to venomous with the Portuguese Football Team, as according to the amount of hits I get on my blog, a few visitors to my blog come from Portugal.
Now a friend of mind and the Blog Yoda to my Blog Luke, Simon Johnson of the shoodyblog, told me I should be nice to countries and although gently ribbing is all part of the fun, don't be venomous. You can catch more bees with honey than vinegar.
Simon - F%$k that!
The display by the Portuguese football team was the single biggest piece of sh$t acting I have ever seen - and I studied drama at school. It was an embarrassment to their great nation and to a sport I have grown to tolerate. Cristiano Renaldo head butting Rooney before the game started, and then crying like the little bitch boy that he is when Rooney dared to question a fall during the game was laughably pathetic. At least Italy had some class to their spills and they weren't every 15 seconds. Seriously, there were so many dives and over the top performances that I had time to get a beer, have some food, learn Portuguese and come back in to the bar and scream in my new found language: "are you still rolling around on the ground?" And that was one of the faster fake performances.
Shame on you Portuguese football team, you're an embarrassment! (not Portugal itself - I love your Nandos' chicken!).
The travisty of it all, and proof that apart from the Premier League, football is a laughable sport around the world, is the FIFA are probably going to give Cristiano Ronaldo the fans' best young player at the World Cup despite his pouting, diving, pretty boy antics designed mainly to get himself a lucrative transfer to Real Madrid and thus avoid the good kicking he deserves from Wayne Rooney at Manchester United training (thanks Guy).
He is currently 1st in the FIFA voting just ahead of Luis Valencia of Ecuador. Please can everyone go to here and do the decent thing by voting for Valencia.
Now I don't want to be too hard on C.Ronaldo, I mean the poor bugger, just take a look at him, he's got a head liked a kicked in bucket, if he didn't have soccer he'd have nothing:
I know the girls will be loving that picture, but the guys, especially you English boys, will be loving this:
So bugger you, you little Spanish want-to-be team, I hope Germany massacre you in the play off for third place - DEUTSCHLAND!!!!!!!
How was that Simon, gentle enough?
Yeah. I hate these weenies. Almost as bad as Henry's conduct throughout the tourney or The Power Penalty takers and their whining after the loss to Portugal.
If you are going to be the tough enough English, at least wait until you get back home before the waterworks start.
When Ronaldo was laughing, he was laughing at all of you.
"Nandos is great. The Portugal Football team is not."
Handled diplomatically,
I don't think you upset the Portugese too much.
Still I'm glad Germany kicked their diving asses.
ladies and gentleman - Simon of the shoody blog above - be in awe!
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