Day time fun
So without much to do over the past two weeks of unemployment I've had to stagger activities through the days. The first week was okay given I had to prepare for interviews and do a lot of reading. However, the second week has been more difficult to fill.
The Ashes has helped, as has organising my trip and an empty gym to go to, but now that winter has kicked in there's not much more you want to do than sit at home, eat and watch daytime TV. Particularly in this:
Yep, an all in one tracksuit.
Why would I resort to such lengths? The typical UK December blizzard of course.
What gets me every year is without fail all essential services in the UK shut down when the snow kicks in. And every year the people running it say 'we weren't prepared'. The only surer thing will be that in March they will then say they have learned the lessons of the past and improved...only for the same thing to happen the next year.
How can this keep happening when the rest of Europe snows heavier, for longer, and with less resources - Poland is minus 16 for God's sake. How? British blame culture.
As I've said in the past, I haven't lived anywhere where 'it's their fault' is more used. Blame will go in circles for 2 months before there's no one left, and then they give up. Take the below for example:
No trains departing (especially lovely after several weeks of strikes) and the milk-less corner store. You order milk everyday, how can you run out?? It's not as if the four days of snow and news that people stayed home rather then went to work should surprise you there's a greater demand.
So anyway, trapped inside has given me a lot of time to simply watch day time TV and surf the net. That's where I discovered a very unusual facebook ad. You know the ads that appear down the right hand side? Well, a recent one was advertising virus protection. Take a look at the ad - have they used an image of The Hoff??
But tomorrow it's off to sunny South East Asia for two months where these problems won't follow me. Don't miss me too much and I hope to regale you with stories of intrigue, mystery and amusement on my return.
Hope I can wear my onesy there.
Hope I can wear my onesy there.
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