The biggest five weeks in my life (26 August - 23 September)
Week 1
After playing agaist the Putney Magpies for a place in the Grand Final we were all pumped up for a massive night. It was a good hard win against Putney, a dirty team, who when we decided to fight back with the same tactics (punches in tackles, black eyes left, right and centre, and going in knee first in a mark), their coach told our's to tell the Demon's players to calm down. It's not netball mate. Anyway, Putney came back in the last half after we lost one player with a broken wrist and our captain, who decided to play street fighter with someone’s face, so it was close despite us winning by 21 points.
So after a good win, Hosko’s speech put us in the mood for the epic several weeks ahead!
Many of us were going to a day rave after the game called SW4, which pretty much had every major DJ you have heard of playing (for picture take a look here - I suggest the guys take a look.
Several hours in the sun and it was time to head to Fridge, a club in Brixton, to watch the captain of the firsts as a guest DJ.
It was pretty hot in there, and for some reason, before we knew it, the entire group had taken their tops off – that’s about 30 guys.
Audi is still receiving invites to play at gay gigs (more pics here).
Week 2
Well, after only losing twice through the whole season, we ended up going down in the Grand Final to Shepard’s Bush – filthy turds. With only one thing left to do it was off to the Alex (sponsors pub) to drown our sorrows and drink away the season (pics here). Obvious hits of the night were Midas and his ‘baking’.
Midas after his baking.Walking back into the Alex at midday on Sunday after no sleep to continue (I got through one beer and fell asleep at the bar – dragged myself home) it was the end of that weekend.
You don’t want a photo of that.
Week 3
Grinspoon and I had been toying with the idea of dressing up for vote count but we couldn’t settle on anything. Then it hit us. Spoon coming in at 6’5”, me at 6’2” (from certain angles), he be Willy Wonka, me be Oompah Loompah. Perfect. Was a great idea until we realised that we would have to walk around London dressed like that – ah well – what do you do! Although a big afternoon on a Sunday night is a bit of a struggle, it was all good until we went to a club at 10pm, which didn’t bode well the next day. What else doesn’t seem to bode well is going to a club dressed as an Oompah Loompah.
Once again, a picture tells a thousand words, have a look here.
Week 4 footy trip (please see below)
Week 5 Oktoberfest (please see below)
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