St Patrick's Day
St Paddies day isn't taken as seriously in London than we do in Aus I think. Firstly, the only people running around creating chaos are Aussie?? The Irish go home, the English remember why they shipped the Irish convicts over the Australia and the tourists wonder what the hell is going on.
For this fine day a group of us decided that we would go on the Monopoly Pubcrawl. Bascially this is a pubcrawl that via plane, train and automobile takes you to a pub on every street of the Monopoly Board. Now it is kind of difficult to do it all, we gave it a red hot go and had a very big morning / day / afternoon / evening / night / morning in our 19 hour session around the Monopoly board.
Now we could go on and on about the fun times we had, Luke's call of the night ('Old Street - Kasi, it's your street'), the lovely noises coming out of Ms Duggan or me ending up in North London at 4am some 18 hours after the start of the pub crawl because for some reason I thought every bus leaving Piccadilly was going directly to my house not in the opposite direction and not realising for another 20 minutes before waiting in the rain and wind for another bus before getting a cab and... well I said we weren't going to talk about.
More photos here: Monopoly Pub Crawl
Bart another great Blogg review I can send on to the Perthites back at home and get you some more mighty mighty fame for you too! :)
As cheesy as it was we really did have fun and we were ...
Full of Irish Cream!! whoops I meant Full of Irish Charm!! hehe I dont think the green tops and our peaches and cream complexion did us justice but it brought some irish look out of us ehh?
whoops that was luv from kayles to all the monopoly players ...
who the hell is Nikki?
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