Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ask for more!!!!!

Not too long ago a journalist by the name of Trevor asked me to help him right a few lines about nightlife in London. Well, not nightlife as where to go to have fun, but nightlife as where to go to find friendly foreigners. I failed to explain to him that this was like asking Hannibal Lector to find a lovely vegan establishment but helped out buy writing such memorable lines as ‘Fancy a Brazilian? I know I do!’, or ‘but closer to home, go to the Shepard’s Bush Walkabout on a Wednesday night, flash anything high than £20 and you’ll have every backpacker in the establishment running your way. Hey, it’s either your bed or a flea ridden couch - you know they'll choose wisely’!

Obviously I never subscribe to these theories – I simply don’t have the balls to do it – but seeing my words in print satisfied that media hungry whore deep with in me (reminding me of the time I submitted a press release to the local paper talking about breaking my collar bone playing football and painting myself in some sort of heroic light – got half a page too)! But back to Trev, who according Adrian is the most attractive man he has ever seen.

Trev - big night

I met Trev through Tessa, another WA journo, and decided then and there I hated him. Trev has the world’s best job. He is the travel writer for TNT Magazine, an antipodean magazine in the UK that has a readership of 55,000. But I could hate Trev no more after not only running my words of travel and experience to an audience of 55,000, he has now decided to even name me! I also just noticed on the TNT website that there is a competition for travel writers… Trev?

Page 79 of this week's TNT Magazine - bottom left

And a little bit closer...

Anyway, this little thing that gave me a thrill made me realise that there are so many things you simply don’t bother telling people back home about or keep them informed. Everyday in London I will see, do, taste, touch, smell (well that’s probably not the best thing) and experience 20 new things that I would have never come across back home. There is so much going on that you simply can’t pass the experience on or tell people about. Or can you? A few people have said that while my blogs give snippets of what’s going on, they never actually say what I’m doing... that’s because what I’m actually doing would probably worry you all too much and is illiegal, but moving swiftly on.

So with that I have decided to launch Bart’s Bonza Blogging Bonanza. Stealing the idea from Simon at the Shoddy Blog, I am going to give you an update a day, letting you know what I’m doing, what’s been happening and everything in between. No email updates. No reminding you. Thirty-one blogs in 31 days. It’s up to you to visit it everyday and take a look what’s new in Bart’s world.

Starts on Monday kids. Be there.


At 1:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh God - I feel responsible for this... Sorry world.

At 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Smithy, yes you should be! Bart


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